Paper and Pen

The Art of Paper and Pen


Stay-at-home moms, what goals did you achieve today?  Are you working towards starting your own business or are you not sure in which direction you want to go.  Is there anything that you feel you may be lacking?  Well, let me help you.  Get your paper and pen out and let’s take notes.

While I understand that it’s not good or right to assume anything, I have to say that I think you may have a strong interest in starting your own home based business because you are here reading all of the valuable information that I love giving and sharing with you.

Anyone who knows me knows that one of my ultimate goals is helping others in some form or capacity in this life.  It’s what I love to do.  It gives me so much joy knowing that I can help transform someone’s life somewhere in this world.  I’m hoping that I’m passing on what others may be in need of in terms of starting their own work at home business.  For me, it’s not always about making money.  It’s all about changing and building up lives.  Helping others to live successful lives.  Does success mean making a lot of money.  I don’t know and certainly cannot speak for others, but for me success is defined by being a help to those who need answers to questions.

A Few Short, but Powerful Notes for Business Success

  • Collect your thoughts and write down your goals
  • Write out, in detail, exactly what you want to do; what you want to achieve
  • Carve out a window of time and stick to the date that you plan to achieve your goals, one by one works well.

This is just a short post this cool October Wednesday evening.  I have a lot more to share with you.  I hope you’ll come back again and again to receive and accept what I love gifting!





Different from the Norm

Different from the Norm

Working for Yourself and Designing Your Business


When I started Moms in Slippers, my goal was and continues to be helping stay at home moms who want to run successful home based businesses.  I wanted to introduce and present real-life work at home systems that last for a lifetime.

When I became a work at home mom, my focus was my family.  I wanted to be home for my children when they came home from school each and every day.  For me, there was nothing more important than being able to greet my children with warm brownies or some kind of homemade snack every day when I opened the front door to greet their smiling precious faces after a long day of being in school.  I know the importance of our children’s’ safety and well-being and being a stay-at-home mom who works from home for the home, is just one way of giving them a peace of mind so that they never have to fear anything.  I don’t think any child should have to be concerned with going home to an empty house and being there all alone for two to three hours five days a week.

Your Present Situation


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If you’re out in the work force working long hours and you’re not being fulfilled, it’s time to start your own business.  Just think, your face could be the very first face your children see when they get off the school bus. So it’s time to change your present situation today. Perhaps you’re a stay-at-home mom and you need just a little extra money every week or maybe even every day, then why not do it.  You can build your own home based business right now.  The steps are easy and the time is now.

In today’s economy it seems everybody is working two jobs or doing something to bring more money into the home, but not everybody knows how to start a home based business or they’re just not sure if a home based business is right for them or a good fit for them.  I’m here to tell you from 12 years of experience that owning your home own home based business is not about making money; it’s about fulfillment.

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When I worked as a program coordinator in corporate America, for the most part I wasn’t being fulfilled at all.  There were no rewards for me and there was always a cap on my salary.  My annual reviews were outstanding, but the increases I received were minimal with the exception of maybe one or two and then those had to be justified.  I thought to myself, how can I get up out of my bed five, sometimes six days a week, work all day with a 45-minute lunch break, give my all-and-all, utilizing my computer expertise, sharing my heart, always the same, kind and respectful and then get a minimal increase?  This definitely was not the life that I had planned for myself or my family.  You see, when we work for someone else, most of your life is spent at work.  I knew I had to do something to change my situation and being my own boss would be the only way to make this happen.  I deserved it and I ventured out to set up shop in my own home.  Why hadn’t I done this sooner.  I deserved so much more in this life and I knew that working for someone else was the not the answer to living a life of freedom and fulfillment.

How to Begin


mom working

Do you know your gifts?  Do you know where or how to begin your own work at home business?  Do you think you have what it takes to work from home?  I’m sure you do.  We all have amazing gifts.  I know I do and I love using each and every one of my gifts.  My gifts, my talents, my skills and all my great abilities have been packed into one big box.  For me, every day is like Christmas because every day I’m unwrapping some form of my gifts.  Once unwrapped, I use my gifts to help and bless others.  It’s what I love to do.  When I go to my design studio, I sit and begin to craft masterpieces that cannot be found anywhere in the world.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I know that there are hundreds of graphic designers out there who do phenomenal work and they are using and I’m sure enjoying their craft.  For me, it goes so much deeper.  When I sit to create a masterpiece, a sense of peace embraces me and before you know it, a vibrant and truly magnificent design, logo, bookmark or personalized keepsake has been birthed.  This is how to begin your very own work at home business; using your brilliance, your gifts, your talents, your skills and abilities.

If you want to work from home, start today.  It’ll be one of the greatest things you’ll ever do in your lifetime!








Fall Decor

Autumn Home Decor!


The Fall Season is here and I am through the roof excited.

Good Morning work-at-home moms.  Today is, Friday, September 19, 2014; it is really chilly outside and I’m not complaining at all because this is my favorite time of year.  My days are crazy busy and I love it.  All my mornings are filled with peace and joy and I am embracing this wonderful season of warmth as I reflect upon God’s goodness in my life.

Today, I think back when I launched my home based typing business that quickly became an enormous success.  I was typing every day and even transcribing.  I went from creating my own wealth and not necessarily in terms of money, but in terms of being a highly successful owner of my very own work from business that has allowed me to work in the comfort of my home office, never having to worry about driving to an office to sit all day being instructed or being told what time I can take lunch and whose schedule I have to schedule my own vacation around and for how long I can take time off to spend my vacation days with my family.


I am grateful that I have blessed and gifted with some of the most awe-inspiring talents, skills and abilities in all the world and I am not alone.  You, see, you too, mom, have some amazing gifts, but it’s how you choose to use your gifts that can change your life in a major way.  Working for myself gives me real peace of mind and it allows me to incorporate all the things into my business that I have swirling in my head without anyone saying I can’t do this or I can’t do that.  I don’t think it’s fair when someone tries to stunt your growth and for me, not being able to utilize all my gifts and talents is probably one of the worse things one can do in this life, though, not always intentional because you see when you work for someone else and depending on the position you’re in, your gifts may not match or may not be conducive to the job you may have been forced in or have to do.  That’s something entirely different.


If you’re a stay-at-home mom, I already know that you possess some magnificent gifts and there is a way for you to put your gifts to great use.  Your gifts may be just what someone else may need or could be looking for.  It’s not always about making money.  For me, it’s about helping people and sharing my gift of design with people.  Sincerely wanting to see what I believe will be a blessing to them, to lift their spirits and to prayerfully transform their lives. I believe that all of my designs have the power to bring light into the lives of the hurting that need healing.  I love to design.  It is, indeed, my passion.  It gives me a sense of peace.  It embraces me with so much joy that I can’t begin to put it into words and even though business is very slow at the moment, I never ever stop designing and I never stop working to share my gifts with the world.  I am fulfilling my dreams as a business owner.  Working from home is one thing, but owning your own business is something altogether different.

If you’re still on the inside of your box and you want to create wealth for you and your family, why not become your own boss.  Why not put to excellent use your gifts, talents, skills and abilities.  You don’t want to waste what has been born in you because I know without a shadow of a doubt, that you have the ability to be a great business owner.  You could be working from home building your empire and enjoying all the benefits that come from being your boss which means you get to work at home in comfort!

brownies1Today, I am going to enjoy the crispness in the cool breeze.  I’m going to do some more decorating for the fall season. I’m going to blanket and clothe my home with all the fall decor that I envision in my mind.  I’m going to layer my home with even more warmth with beautiful red and orange hues that can be seen in all my autumn decorations. I’m going to bake a batch of delicious mouth-watering brownies.  I’m going to make my way to the market to do my food shopping for the week and then I’m going to come home and relax because I can.  Being a business owner gives me the freedom along with the flexibility to do whatever I need to do for my family in my time.  I love my life and I’ve even learned to really and truly love myself and all that I possess, my gifts, skills, talents and abilities for they are a part of me.

Today, I will give thanks to the Lord for blessing me with some many gifts, too many to list here I am sure.

A New Season

It’s A Brand New Season

Time is Moving On








Fall will be arriving soon, ushering in and bringing with it magnificent hues of brilliance and warmth.  I absolutely love this time of year.  It gives me a real true sense of excitement and unspeakable joy you just would not believe.  I am leaping with happiness  at the thought of the cooler weather coming in soon to be accompanied by the most wonderful time of the year; Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Using My Gifts!faithcyndidesigns

As a work at home mother, I am able to see and then appreciate all the blessings bestowed upon me and my family.  I am deeply grateful for the time that I’ve been working at home in comfort in every sense and meaning of the word and as I always say, I would not change my position of being a stay at home mother even if someone offered me a million dollars. I say this because if I were to work for someone else, limits would be placed on me.  It would be almost like having my hands tied.  Working at home for myself and being my own boss means I get to do things my way.  I have all the greatest opportunities presented to me almost every day in some aspect of my design business.  There is something new happening in my business every day; whether it’s me creating a new masterpiece or if it’s coming up with a new marketing strategy, my business breathes and thrives on all the gifts I’ve been given.

Enjoy and Live Your Dreams



In this new season, I have been cleansed.  I am focusing on the new pieces and components of my design business.  You see, I have some of the most magnificent ideas that are all my own.  My ideas are original and unique which is why I know I stand out from the rest. I don’t worry about my competition.  My focus is my target audience and my goal is give my customers what they need, want and expect of me.  That is what makes me happy.  Making my customers happy.  I love to sit at my desk and create the most awesome designs in all creation.  When my sons and I talk basketball and I may ask one of my boys a question about an athlete’s attitude, they will tell me every time, “Mom, they have to think that way because they want to be the best!” And so now, I’ve adopted the attitude that I can do anything I want to do as long as I believe.  This is something that I struggled with far too long, but now, I know that through my faith, I really can achieve the most amazing goals as long as I believe.

Stay at home moms, where are you in your life at this very moment?  Is it a new season in your life and you’re ready to color the world with your brilliant hues?  If so, take that first step and I promise you that your first step will lead you to a world of greatness.  You see, you have within you the amazing ability and great potential to solve people’s problems while being a help to you and your family.  Focus on what it is that you know deep in your heart that you can do to bless someone else and then go from there.  It’s easy.  The first step is easy and then all your others steps will just flow.  Sure, there will be challenges, some obstacles and a few giants you’ll have to knock down and conquer, but you have within you pure awesomeness that was placed in you before you were even thought of.

It’s a new season.  Get out and color the world.  The universe needs you!

14 Top Tips for Working at Home

Your Work at Home Success Tips!


Working at home (in your own business) has tremendous benefits – no long commute in the rush hour, no need to ask permission to go the Dentist or to leave early to pick the kids up from school. But it can also bring a whole draft of problems too – especially if you are new to working at home. Losing the structure provided by an office setting can be very unsettling for some. Problems may include things like, Never Actually Switching Off! Or other people not respecting your time. Or just not getting organised enough to actually get anything done!!

So, when working at home, how do we remain productive – and keep a work-life balance?

I have compiled a list of tips for working at home that I have found helpful. (By the way, I have worked from home now for over 11 years – and I wouldn’t go back to an office for anything! However I still find these tips extremely useful to remind myself what I should be doing every so often!)

Tips for Working at Home: 1. Define your Work Space.

You need to have a workplace – and that isn’t sitting on the sofa in front of the TV! If you don’t have a separate study (which is the ideal option) then try setting yourself up with a desk in the spare bedroom or dining room. You need a space where you can shut the door and feel like you are ‘at work’ and therefore feel like you have ‘finished work’ when you move out of that space at the end of your day. Psychologically this is important as it changes your state of mind from “at home” to “at work”. Learn to FOCUS. Being able to shut the door on your separate space is vital – if the door is open it can signal to your family that you are available to chat (or play!)

Wherever your workspace is, make sure you keep it tidy – the old adage about a tidy desk equalling a tidy mind is true! The tidier and more organised your workspace, the more productive you will be. Also, make sure you have the equipment you need – in particular ensure you have a comfortable chair with back support.

Tips for Working at Home: 2. Set Ground Rules with Those Around You

Set your working hours (see tip 4) and ensure that your friends and family are aware of this and respect it. You are NOT available for coffee, for long lunches or for play! Your friends and family probably wouldn’t disturb you at an office with questions that can easily wait until you get home – but if home is your office they may not show the same restraint. A lot of friends and family will also think that as you work from home you are able to stop for coffee or a long lunch at a moments notice! Ensure that everyone understands that interruptions are for urgent matters only.

Tips for Working at Home: 3. Prepare for Work – Physically and Mentally

Have breakfast, take a shower and get dressed. You don’t have to wear a suit – but don’t stay in your pyjamas! Getting dressed first thing in the morning prepares you for work – it gets your mindset in the right place.

Don’t turn the computer on just to check emails as you walk past the study first thing in the morning (I am guilty of this one!) Suddenly you realise it’s lunchtime and you are still in your PJs with a stinking headache cos you haven’t had breakfast (let alone a shower!)

Make sure you are in the right mind set for the day. Start the day properly

Tips for Working at Home: 4. Set Regular Hours – and Stick to Them

A benefit of working at home is that you don’t have to work 9-5 if you don’t want to. I tend to work from 9.30-3.00 (with a break for lunch) and then 7.30-8.30 in the evening (after my Son is in bed). Think about what works for you. You may need to work early mornings or evenings to fit around your family life or to communicate with colleagues in other timezones.

Whatever hours you decide – stick to them! (You are allowed some leeway – but don’t let work run your life).

I think this is one of the hardest ‘rules’ when working from home – it is so easy to actually never switch off. But a healthy work-life balance is important – even if you do work at home.

Tips for Working at Home: 5. Don’t think you need an Immaculate House!

Don’t spend more time on housework than on working! A bit of light housework in your ‘lunch hour’ is acceptable, as is popping the odd load of washing on, but really, when you are at work, you are at work – even if you are working at home. If you can afford to get a cleaner and you would have one if you were working a ‘proper job’ in an office – still get one. Please don’t think you have to be Superwoman (or Superman) and do it all yourself because other people think you have lots more time because you work from home!!

If you take your work seriously, especially if you have just started a new business at home, then you need to put the hours into your work – not into cleaning the house!! Schedule non-work time for household chores and get the rest of the family to do their share. It is important that you don’t take on every household job just because you work from home – those around you need to respect the fact that although you are at home you have serious work to do during your scheduled hours.

Tips for Working at Home: 6. Limit Distractions

If your work permits- TURN OFF the telephone so that you can concentrate and get on without distraction. Only check your email at certain times of the day. It is so easy to get distracted by emails that you think have to respond to IMMEDIATELY! If you do this, you will never get any tasks finished!

TURN OFF your Skype, FaceBook, Twitter etc while you are working. Check your IM at certain times and only go on FaceBook in your break times. I know that working from home can be lonely so using Social Media can feel like your lifeline to the outside world – but this can quickly take over your day and ruin your productivity.

Tips for Working at Home: 7. Make a Daily TO DO List

Making lists can really help you to focus and stop you procrastinating – which for some reason we seem to do more of when we are sat at home on our own!! I do a weekly list of tasks and then break that down into daily tasks. I use the Steven Covey approach to Time Management as much as possible and the key thing for me is to focus on my

BIG ROCKS. Don’t just pick the easy tasks – spend quality time on your Big Rocks and your business will fly!

If you really do struggle to focus (even with a to-do list) try planning out what you are going to do each hour which should help you stay productive!

Tips for Working at Home: 8. Create Small Deadlines

This follows on from tip 7 – and can also help stop the dreaded procrastination! When you start the day it seems like you have lots of time and it can be easy to get sidetracked by the TV or the Telephone. Set targets for finishing pieces of work – e.g. “I will finish writing this blog by 11am”. “I will complete this marketing activity by 1.00”. This helps to break up your day and keep you focussed on task.

Tips for Working at Home: 9. Don’t Just Take a Day Off because things get tough!

Don’t just take a day off because you don’t feel like working today!! If you are having a hard day – persevere – do some work anyway! If you are sick, be sick – take a proper day off to get better. If you organise a holiday day off that’s fine – but don’t just decide you can’t be bothered to work today – that is a slippery slope to go down when suddenly you never achieve anything!

Tips for Working at Home: 10. Take Scheduled Breaks

There are various ways to do this – depending on your working style. But give yourself breaks. Some people find it helpful to take a 15 minute break for every hour worked. Or maybe you would prefer to take a 15 minute break twice a day. In addition to small breaks take a proper lunch break. Eat something health – AWAY FROM YOUR DESK! Leave the house and get some fresh air – it will genuinely make you so much more productive when you get back to your desk. Just sitting in front of your computer with no breaks will just result in ‘diminishing returns’. You think you are working really hard – but the results just aren’t that great!!

Tips for Working at Home: 11. Finish when you Finish

Know when to stop working! Just because you are working at home doesn’t mean that you should be working ALL THE TIME that you are at home! Leave work at the end of the day.

Susan Seaburg (Field Development Manager for Hewlett Packard) offers her input on working at home in an interview with Santa Clara University:

“The good news is that now you can work anywhere – the bad news is that now you can work anywhere.”

Most people go home to get away from work – you don’t have that option. So be careful that you still maintain a good work-life balance.

Tips for Working at Home: 12. Watch your Mood

Everything you listen to will influence your mood – or distract you from task. Personally I hate working in silence so if I really need to concentrate I put on some non-intrusive music just to create background noise! (My husband is the opposite – he has to work in complete silence so we use separate rooms if he is working at home too!) If I am not having to concentrate too hard I listen to educational audios – as I a member of the Empower Network Inner Circle I have access to a whole range of recordings by people at the very top of internet marketing – so I listen to those every day. These can also be great to lift your mood if you are feeling a bit low or unfocussed. Find what works for you and ensure you surround yourself with things that will give you the best frame of mind for whatever you’re doing.

Tips for Working at Home: 13. Seek out opportunities to communicate with other humans!

If you know you can won’t be too distracted, go and work in a café, hotel or library sometimes as this can just give you a change from being at home all day. Most coffee shops have free wifi these days if you need to be on the internet.

Attend some training courses or local networking events to maintain some human contact – and possibly pick up some business too!

Skype or Facebook chat rooms can also be a good way to communicate with the outside world. I use these methods a lot as my team and colleagues are all over the World. But as mentioned earlier, don’t get sucked in to spending hours a day chatting on line and not getting anything else done.

Make the odd phone call too – don’t just use email. It is good for your sanity to actually speak to someone once in a while!

And last but not Least –

Tips for Working at Home: 14.Be GRATEFUL!!

Be grateful that you CAN work at home. That you don’t have to do the awful commute, that you can be home when the kids get in from school, that you aren’t stuck in a windowless office or shared cubicle!! Above all, BE PRODUCTIVE so you can KEEP working at home!

Hope you found my top tips for working at home useful. If you want to see how I make money working at home everyday – please take a look at my blog site listed below.

I want to start a Working from Home Revolution!

See you on the inside!

Louise Fleming is a trained business coach and entrepreneur. As well as running a successful high end bespoke furniture company she also runs her own online marketing business. For more ideas how you can earn money working at home please visit Louise’s blog site at

Since You Can’t Manipulate Time, Try These 13 Time-Saving Tips

As an entrepreneur you have no limits or restrictions. There is nothing that you can’t achieve. Well, except for freezing time.

Time is the most valuable commodity to an entrepreneur. Most of us would do anything to have another hour in the day. But until someone creates an app to manipulate time, we are forced to manage our time extremely efficiently. Here are 13 tips to help make your days more productive.

1. Schedule “You” time. Set aside a block of time to get your personal stuff out of the way. Things such as paying bills and attending to personal emails can take away from your work.

2. Disconnect when you need 100 percent focus. Preparing for an important meeting or a pitch? Turn off your mobile phone, close your email and route your office calls to voicemail. You will be more productive without the distractions.

Related: When to Spend Your Time Versus When to Spend Your Money

3. Maintain a “to-do” list. Keep an accurate list and cross tasks off as you complete them. Create your list at the end of each day for the next day — this allows you to attack the tasks as soon as your start your day.

4. Don’t be scared of technology. Embrace technology. I’ve seen people at their desk waiting on hold, holding the phone to their ear. Throw a Bluetooth headset into the situation and you can answer emails or attack your to-do list while you wait.

5. Say no. You may hate to disappoint people, but for your own productivity, learn how to say “no” to people. It isn’t always the greatest feeling, but it is impossible to appease everyone. If you said “yes” to everyone and every request you would have no time to do what you need to accomplish.

6. Be ultra responsive. We all have iPhones and smartphones, so use them. If you are out of the office and receive an email that you can easily address on the spot, do so! The other day I received this email:

“I’ll email you when I get back to the office.
Sent from my iPhone”

The response didn’t require this person to be in the office. It was a simple “yes” or “no” response that would have taken less time to type out than the response they sent. If you can reply while out of the office it eliminates wasted time when you get back.
Founder and CEO, Market Domination Media


8 Musts to Start Your Business With Little to No Capital

Entrepreneurs will often have amazing business ideas, but they put them on hold due to a lack of capital. They assume that their idea will never get far off the ground unless they have major funding behind them.


It seems that every day there is a new startup receiving millions of dollars from venture capital firms, but what you don’t hear about is the several startup failures that burn through millions of dollars only to fizzle out and shut their doors forever.

If your idea and plan of execution aren’t well thought out from the beginning, no amount of money can turn it into a winner. Have a great idea but very little money? Don’t let that stop you! Yes, there will be ridiculously long days with little to no sleep. Yes, you are going to be stressed. But those that want it bad enough will make it.

Here are eight tips that can help you get your idea off the ground with limited funds.

1. Build your business around what you know. Instead of venturing off into uncharted territory, make sure that you build your business around your skills and knowledge. The less you have to rely on outside sources the better. When your business is built around your own personal expertise you can eliminate consultants and outside assistance.

Also, having that knowledge is sometimes all that is needed to successfully take the plunge into entrepreneurship.

2. Tell everyone you know what you are doing. Inform your family, friends, business contacts and past colleagues about your new business. Call, send emails and make your new venture known on your social-media profiles. Your friends and family members can help you spread the word, and past business contacts can introduce your brand to their professional contacts as well. This type of grassroots marketing can help introduce your company to a much larger audience.

3. Avoid unnecessary expenses. You are going to have plenty of expenses, and there are some that just can’t be avoided. What you can avoid though is overspending. Take something as simple as business cards. You could drop $1,000 on 500 metal business cards that give off the “cool” factor, or you could spend $10 on 500 traditional business cards. Being frugal in the beginning can be the difference between success and a failed business.

4. Don’t get buried in credit card debt. There is a smart way and a suicidal way to use credit when starting a business. New computers, office furniture, phones and supplies can all quickly add up. Instead of purchasing everything at once and throwing it all on a credit card, use your company’s revenue to finance your expenses. Eliminating the stress and burden of debt will greatly increase the chances of creating a successful business.

Related: Funding Your Business on Your Own? Learn From These 7 Entrepreneurs

5. Make sure your receivables policy won’t sink you. If your business is a retail operation then this isn’t going to apply, but if you are providing services such as consulting or products to retailers you need to make sure that your payment policy is well thought out. Can you remain above water with net-15 or net-30 terms? Don’t base your receivables on what you think your customers will want. Base them on what is going to make your business operate successfully.

6. Build up sweat equity. When I first started my business I worked around the clock, handling every aspect of the business as well as the marketing and growth. All of the hard work and long days that you put in isn’t for nothing. You are building a brand and your hard work is essentially increasing the value of your business. Your sweat equity will come into play if you ever decide to sell off a piece of your company or take on a partner.

7. Take advantage of free advertising and marketing. There are several ways to generate a buzz for your business without breaking the bank. Social media is a great way to gain exposure and interact with potential customers. You can also reach out to local media and offer your expertise.

Make as many local media contacts as you can and be extremely responsive with their requests. This can lead to them to branding you as the local authority, generating plenty of free press for your business.

8. Get ready to hustle. Hard work is an absolute necessity, but when you are starting a business with little to no capital then you must be prepared to dedicate everything you have into making the business a success. This might mean cold calling, handling customer support, dealing with billing and accounting, and every other working part of your business. You will wear many hats and it will require the majority of your time and energy if you are to make it.

Don’t let limited capital prevent you from taking a great idea and running with it. Will it be difficult and will you have some stressful situations? Of course, but that is part of entrepreneurship.

Founder and CEO, Market Domination Media


Wherever Your Heart Desires

How to Make Money with Celebrating Home


Celebrating Home is a great company that was created to help moms make money at home.  If you want to work for yourself, be your own boss and make money in the comfort of your home Celebrating Home may be the key to help you accomplish your work at home goals and dreams.

Make Money from Your Kitchen Table

Or Wherever Your Heart Desires

Your babies have just left for school.  Now, what does your day look like?  What is your list of things to do today?  Do you plan to clean the house, launder clothes and cook dinner or do you have plans of starting your own much need and highly successful home based business?  Do you have any idea what kind of business you’d like to start or are you just not sure what kind of business would be good for you.  

Well, how about becoming a Designer with Celebrating Home.  The rewards are endless and the feeling, amazing!  

As a Designer with Celebrating Home, I love my business and everything about it.  I love the products and the soy candles are great.  I have a lot of Celebrating Home items throughout my home, but mostly in my living and family rooms.  These beautiful pieces of home decor have transformed the rooms in my home and I love and appreciate the warmth that they radiate.  My son took a few pics of my home decor that I purchased from Celebrating Home.  Here they are:





Celebrating Home Designers love the CH work at home opportunity.  You can make money with fundraisers or by selling Celebrating Home long list of awesome and high quality home decor and products from candles to wall art.  The Ooh La La So Lovely Lamp is what I call it, is brilliant.  You can preview the Ooh La Lamp by going to my personal Celebrating Home website.  There you’ll see all the great products we have to offer.

Work for Yourself!

Are you ready to take the steps to enjoying a real life of flexibility and freedom and be your own boss.  You can go here and register and begin your own awesome work at home journey with Celebrating Home, go here:

Do Yourself and Your Family Favor

Freedom and Family; A Remarkable Marriage!


Get Ready to Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur

If you’re a stay at home mom and you want to become a work at home to earn money to help provide for your family, why not start today.  You have within you the great ability to make a seven figure income.  With all the work at home opportunities available to you, direct sales and affiliate programs, just to name a few, there is absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t be making the kind of money you want and you want it because you need it right?

Whether you know it or not, you have also been a gift, you possess a certain talent accompanied by your awesome skills and great abilities to build a highly profitable and successful home based business.  I love sharing work from home opportunities with moms and women everywhere because I know that we as women have the amazing ability to help change lives through our experiences and for me, my work at home experience has been, not only a help to other stay at home moms, but a blessing.

If there is something that you’re good at, have you ever thought of making whatever it is that you loving doing into your own business.  Sometimes the simplest things have the ability to become wonderful work at home businesses.  When you work for yourself, you have the freedom to design your business in such a unique way that it can’t help but be prosperous and successful. I believe that you have at your finger tips the tools that you need to build a brilliant and spectacular home based business.

In addition to you being equipped with what you already have inside you, the other tools that you need are right here just waiting for you to take your next step to launching your own fantabulous business.  Building your business can be fun, educational, rewarding and fulfilling.

One thing I believe every great business needs is a phenomenal website, nothing fancy, just phenomenal and by phenomenal I mean a website that can be a help to those looking for what you have to offer with the ability to help them in someway to make life easier and more abundant for them.  You want a website that has built-in capabilities to drive traffic to your site and easily make you a ton of money in the quickest way possible.  Not all things in life can be quick, but with your website you want to drive as much traffic to it in the shortest time possible so that you can begin seeing the fruits of your labor in the shortest time possible.

Before building your website, you will, of course, take your time writing your business plan, writing out all your content, you’ll setup your affiliate program promotions and everything else you’ll need to open the doors to your online business.   You’ll want to design an attractive website where your potential customers will immediately feel welcome as they sit and read all that you have waiting for them.  One of the best ways to do this is with SBI!


Go From Light Bulb Idea to Making a Massive Income with SBI!

Today is the day that you go from your genius idea taking up space in your mind to making a massive income.  Today is the day that you will begin having a lot more time with your family, independence and all the freedom you need whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or a corporate woman with thoughts of quitting your 8-5 to work at home in comfort for yourself.  Today is the day that you take steps to become your own boss.

An Amazing Money Making System

SBI is a powerful system for building your website. This amazing system has built-in features that has the awesome ability to drive tons of traffic to your site. Another method for driving massive, nonstop traffic to your site is to write great and useful content. SBI is a great system, but only you will know if it’s right for you.  Find out for yourself.  Ready to get started?  Start today and fulfill all your work at home, be your own boss dreams!







Your Office

Comfort and Joy!


Working in the comfort of my office here in my quiet and peace-filled home, I am still excited, and oh, I can’t forget, grateful, for being a work a work at home mom; it  really just doesn’t get any better than this.  If I were working in corporate America making millions of dollars, I still could not compare it to working for myself right here at home using every skill, gift, talent and ability I’ve been given.  I put my writing talent and my gift to design to real good use every single day of my life.

It seems like almost every week I’m coming up with something new to incorporate into my businesses and this helps to keep my businesses thriving.  There are so many amazing ideas that keep flowing into my mind that pertain to my businesses that whenever they pop into my mind, I immediately write them down and at that very moment another planning session is in place.  There is so much inside of me when it comes to my businesses that I have found it necessary to keep a notepad right next to my bed.  I always and I do mean always, write everything down so that I don’t forget one word that I already know is going to help me to keep my businesses thriving and prospering.  Not only do I write down my thoughts for my own home based businesses, but I write down anything that I think may be of help to other work at home moms and dads or for others who are wanting to launch a new home based business venture.

mommylove77cboyer- 1

Do you have a business idea you’ve been thinking about for what seems like forever, but it’s collecting dust in your mind?  Well, I’m here to tell you, it’s time to bring your work at home business dreams to life.

Get your writing pad, get a couple of pens, collect all of your wonderful thoughts and bring them to the room where you feel most comfortable and let’s get started growing your very own home based business.

The very first thing that I want you to do is write down every single work at home business idea that comes to your mind.  If you already have an idea that you’ve been thinking about write it down; it doesn’t matter how many ideas you may have write them all down.  Now, look around your house to collect and inspire more work at home ideas.  Now while you’re doing this I hope you’re feeling super excited about all that you’re preparing to do.  Remember, none of this should feel like a chore.  It should be something you look forward to and something you want to do.



Now, I hope you’ve written down everything that was laying on the table of your heart and mind.  You don’t want it to continue collecting dust.  You can easily envision a successful and lucrative home business and now it’s time to act on your thoughts and feelings.  This can be an amazing and simply awesome time in your life.  Working for yourself has benefits you can’t even begin to imagine and it’s time to experience them all!


Your Work at Home Business


Helping You Become A Successful Work at Home Mom!

Woman working in home office

Awww, Fall will be here soon. Beautiful oranges and browns will color the earth. At the thought of autumn, I realized that it will soon be the beginning of a new season. My life is not just about me being my own boss and enjoying my lucrative and rewarding home based businesses, it’s all about helping staying at home moms become highly successful work at home moms. It was right at that moment that I was reminded that it’s another new day and I need to post something new for my audience, but what would be of help to moms, women, and soon-to-be entrepreneurs that would make an impact in their lives. 

Working from home is a dream of many people and yes, it seems to be the avenue that many people are traveling these days just for the simple fact that people really want more; they want to work from home building their own businesses.


I have a question for you; what do we all have in common?  Perhaps we share a common goal; a dream;  a work from home, be your own boss dream; it has become your goal. You’ve written it down and you’re ready to make that dream a tangible piece of work.

If you’re anything like me, you are dedicated, committed and hardworking.  You know what you want and though it may not always be easy to attain your goals, you never ever give up.  Giving up is not in your vocabulary.  You keep positive words rolling off your tongue and positive words etched in your mind.  You believe that you can accomplish just about anything.  You are equipped with all the right tools including the tools you need to start and manage your own home-based business. 

I want to reveal to you just how simple it is to get started with a home-based business.  There is no need to re-invent the wheel; all you need is faith to believe that you can do it and then you can start designing your business your way.  Even if you don’t have a penny to your name, you should never let that alter your dreams or your vision for starting your business.

Working from home has become the norm for so many mothers because of their desire and commitment to their families.  Mothers want to be able to stay home in an effort to ensure the safety of their children when they arrive home from school.  It is imperative for moms to know that when their children arrive home from school, they can safely enter into their own homes without ever being afraid or fearful because they have the sense of security that mom will be there to greet them at the front door and they can enter their homes without ever having to worry about being home and staying home alone until mom, dad or an adult is able to come and comfort them and chase their fears away. 


This is probably one of the most important and vital factors for many women seeking to start a home-based business.  Not just wanting to earn a lot of money, or to be their own boss, but moms want to know that their children are being properly cared for and who is better able to do that then mom herself.  A home-based business is the answer to knowing that our children will be safe in their own homes enjoying after school snacks prepared by mom herself.  What a great way to show our children just how much we love them!

Mother and Daughter Waiting for School Bus

Working from home gives us the freedom to use what God has so graciously and generously blessed us with.  It gives us, as moms, the opportunity to implement and utilize our thoughts, our own ideas and allows us to be who we are; moms with a purpose.  We have become powerful entrepreneurs creating our own destinations and accomplishing our many dreams. 

Where are you right now in your life?  I know where I am, and I know where I’m going.  I’m constantly writing and embarking on new things within my business; to make it better and always to be a help to moms who are still trying to achieve their own work at home goals.

If you’re still stuck, perhaps just sitting and contemplating becoming your own let me help you. Email me at to ask any questions you may have to help you to take that step onto the path to begin your amazing and rewarding work at home journey.

Information & Knowledge

Information, Wisdom, Knowledge Accompanied by Understanding

Information – We all need information in addition to wisdom and knowledge in order to have successful home-based careers. Yes, if we’re going to achieve and enjoy the sweet taste of success information is paramount to the ins and outs of our businesses.

Information can take us to a completely different level in our businesses – a level we never even knew existed.  This is just one way we’re able to obtain wisdom.  Life experiences is also a form of information that leads to our gaining wisdom; wisdom then becomes the knowledge that we need that gives us the power to do incredibly amazing things.  When we’re equipped with information we can do just about anything.  If we diligently seek wisdom, we can take that wisdom and apply it to our businesses, which automatically becomes a part of our lives once we’ve made the decision to pursue a home-based business.

Is there some information you are seeking that perhaps you just can’t seem to find?  Maybe its here in our living room or maybe its within the confines of your heart.  Dig deep witihin your soul and see what you find.  The answer lies within you!

Marketing Materials

marketingmaterials77-cyndiboyer7You’re almost ready to open the doors to your new business.  You slowly, wisely and intelligently put the pieces to your business together, one by one. You’re excited and you’re ready to find and welcome new clients.  You’re ready to put your skills and abilities to work.  The one thing you need is a way to market your business in a unique and yet super powerful way.  You’ve been thinking outside the box, but you’re not exactly sure what you need in terms of your marketing materials.

Here at Moms in Slippers, we put together the most amazing marketing materials package for your new typing/secretarial business.  Our book of marketing materials are exactly what you need to grow your business as quickly as possible.

You want to make money because you need to make money and the time is now!  Here at Moms in Slippers we’ve created some of the most awesome marketing materials you will ever need to help your typing business soar. Designed to grab attention, we created these tools to help your business thrive.

Here’s what you’ll need to promote your typing business:

  • Letters
  • Fliers
  • Postcards
  • Brochures

Ready to take your business to the highest level even before you open the doors to your new found business?  Grab your copy of The Shopping Cart and start making money in the comfort of your home today!

Make Money in Comfort

The Celebrating Home Work at Home Opportunity

Make Money at Home in Comfort Starting Right Now!


Where are you in your life right now?  Where would you like to be?  Are you earning the kind of money you know you’re worth.  Are you making any money at all and you really want and need to earn a living to help provide for you and your family? Perhaps you’re working a job that you’re not happy in and you’re not making the kind of money you know you have the potential and ability to make; would you like to change that?  Would you like to be financially and debt free?

I don’t think it makes any sense for anyone to be struggling financially today.  What sense does it make for you to be living paycheck to paycheck.  So many people in their 40’s and 50’s struggle every day financially.  This just shouldn’t be.  It’s not right.  With all the endless work at home opportunities available to you, you should be living and enjoying an abundance of riches in your life and Celebrating Home can easily help you to achieve your work at home dreams.

Celebrating Home is one of the most lucrative and profitable work from home businesses in the world.  It is an awesome Christian work at home business in the work at home arena today.  I would love for you to read and find out more about this amazing work at home opportunity so that you can start living the life you want to live if that is your goal and aspiration.

To find out more about this platinum, truly golden opportunity, please visit my website.  I’d love to have you on my team. I will help you to build your business in a unique and great way!

Try Our Ooh La Lamps!





Type in the Comfort of Home

Your Type From Home Business


If you’re searching for a really lucrative work at home business then maybe a typing or secretarial may be the piece to your puzzle you need to open the doors to becoming your own boss.


It’s true that some things do change, but as long as colleges exist that means that there are professors and which also means there are students that need to have term papers, reports, dissertations and the list goes on and on that need to be typed. Now, let’s help you to decide if a typing business is the right work at home business for you.


Think about how fast you can type. If you can type thirty words a minute then you should think about setting up your own typing business right in the comfort of your own home. A typing business has the ability to bring you nonstop business that will keep you busy forever and the potential to make great money is phenomenal.  Think about this; how does making any where between $40-60 dollars an hour or more for typing dissertations, term papers, reports and more.  Its also possible for you to make a small fortune creating and designing fliers and brochures. The possibilities for having a successful typing business are endless.

So if you’re ready to get started I can help you by providing you with some of the most awesome marketing tools ever.  If you really want to jump start your business and set it up for great success you’ll need great looking marketing materials. I’ve created some of the most awesome marketing materials to help you to achieve your goals as easily as possible.


15 Signs You’re An Entrepreneur

Get Focused and Start Your Business Today!


Pressed to describe the stereotypical entrepreneur, which words would you use? Passionate? Dedicated? Optimistic? Sure, those apply. But insecure and troublemaker are more accurate, according to ‘treps who know a success when they see one. Do the following traits, characteristics and quirks describe you? Well then, you might be an entrepreneur (at heart, if not yet in practice).

1. You take action.
Barbara Corcoran, founder of The Corcoran Group, co-star of TV’s Shark Tank and author of Shark Tales: How I Turned $1,000 into a Billion Dollar Business, says people who have a concept but not necessarily a detailed strategy are more likely to have that entrepreneurial je ne sais quoi. “I hate entrepreneurs with beautiful business plans,” she says.

Corcoran’s recommendation? “Invent as [you] go,” rather than spending time writing a plan at your desk. In fact, she believes that people with life experience have an active problem-solving ability and think-on-your-feet resourcefulness that can be more valuable than book smarts alone. Those who study business may be prone to overanalyzing situations rather than taking action.

2. You’re insecure.
“Many entrepreneurs judged as ambitious are really insecure underneath,” Corcoran says. When evaluating potential investments, she adds, “I want someone who is scared to death.” Those who are nervous about failing can become hyperfocused and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. If you feel insecure, use that emotion to drive you to achieve your business goals.



3. You’re crafty.
“One of my favorite TV shows growing up was MacGyver,” confides Tony Hsieh, CEO of Las Vegas-based Zappos, “because he never had exactly the resources he needed but would somehow figure out how to make everything work out.”

A lifelong entrepreneur, Hsieh has done everything from starting a worm farm to making buttons and selling pizzas, so he admires MacGyver’s “combination of creativity, optimism and street smarts. Ultimately, I think that’s what being an entrepreneur is all about–playing MacGyver, but for business.” It’s not about having enough resources, he explains, but being resourceful with what you do have.


4. You’re obsessed With cash flow.
Before founding Brainshark, a Waltham, Mass.-based developer of technology for business presentations, Joe Gustafson bootstrapped a venture called Relational Courseware. “All I ever thought about was cash flow and liquidity,” he says, admitting, “there were seven times in [the company’s] eight-year history when I was days or hours away from payroll and didn’t have enough cash to make it.”

How did he respond? “In the early days, you could step up and put expenses on your personal credit card, but that can only go so far,” he says. “You need cash–even if you have the best company and the best receivables in the world–to fight the battle one more day.” Other strategies he recommends include working with a partner who can provide cash advances on projects and maintaining close communication with suppliers.


5. You get into hot water.
Stephane Bourque, founder and CEO of Vancouver, British Columbia-based Incognito Software, says true entrepreneurial types are more likely to ask for forgiveness than permission, forging ahead to address the opportunities or issues they recognize, even without approval from higher-ups.

“Entrepreneurs are never satisfied with the status quo,” says Bourque, who discovered he was not destined for the corporate world when he kept coming up with new and better ways of doing things–ideas that were not necessarily appreciated by his bosses and often were interpreted as unwanted criticism. Now, he says, “I wish my employees would get into more trouble,” because it shows they are on the lookout for opportunities to improve themselves or company operations.

6. You’re fearless.
Where most avoid risk, entrepreneurs see potential, says Robert Irvine, chef and host of Food Network’s Restaurant: Impossible. True ‘treps are not afraid to leverage their houses and run up their credit card balances in order to amass the funds they need to create a new venture. In some ways, he says, they are the ultimate optimists, because they operate under the belief that their investments of time and money will eventually pay off.

7. You can’t sit still.
Entrepreneurs have unbridled energy that fuels them long past the time when their employees have gone home. They are eager, excited and energized about business in a way that makes them stand out. Irvine would know: He owns a restaurant in South Carolina, is opening another in the Pentagon and has a line of food and clothing products, on top of hosting his TV show.

8. You’re malleable.
“If you have only one acceptable outcome in mind, your chances of making it are slim,” cautions Rosemary Camposano, president and CEO of Silicon Valley chain Halo Blow Dry Bars. If you are willing to listen, your clients will show you which of your products or services provide the most value.

Her original vision for Halo was part blow-dry bar, part gift shop, “to help busy women multitask,” she explains. But she quickly learned that the gift shop was causing confusion about the nature of her business, so she took it out, replaced it with an extra blow-dry chair, and things took off. Smart entrepreneurs constantly evolve, tweaking their business concepts in response to market feedback.

9. You enjoy navel gazing.
Without direct supervisors, entrepreneurs need to be comfortable with the process of evaluating their own performance, says Laura Novak Meyer, owner of Pennsylvania’s Little Nest Portraits. That requires “a willingness to solicit feedback from those around you to self-improve,” she says, as well as paying close attention to feedback you may not have asked for, such as customer complaints or being outpaced by competitors. Little Nest surveys every client to ask for opportunities for improvement, and Meyer has worked closely with a business coach for the past five years to identify personal areas where she needs to improve.

10. You’re motivated by challenges.
When confronted by problems, many employees try to pass the buck or otherwise wash their hands of the situation. Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, rise to the occasion. “Challenges motivate them to work harder,” says Jeff Platt, CEO of the Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park franchise. “An entrepreneur doesn’t think anything is insurmountable … He looks adversity in the eye and keeps going.”

Candace Nelson, founder of Sprinkles Cupcakes, agrees. Despite naysayers who questioned her idea for a bakery in the midst of the carb-fearing early-2000s, she persevered and now has locations in eight states. In fact, she was one of the first entrepreneurs in a business that became an ongoing craze, sparking numerous copycats.

11. You consider yourself an outsider.
Entrepreneurs aren’t always accepted, says Vincent Petryk, founder of J.P. Licks, a Boston chain of ice-cream shops. They may be seen as opinionated, quirky and demanding–but that is not necessarily a bad thing. “They are often rejected for being different in some way, and that just makes them work harder,” Petryk says. When his former boss didn’t approve of his off-duty research into ice-cream quality, he went out on his own to develop a made-from-scratch dessert in bold flavors. Rather than copying what most other ice-cream shops were doing, including buying from the same well-known suppliers, Petryk forged his own path. His early competitors? All but one are no longer in business.

12 . You recover quickly.
It’s a popular notion that successful entrepreneurs fail fast and fail often. For Corcoran, the trick is in the speed of recovery: If you fail, resist the urge to mope or feel sorry for yourself. Don’t wallow; move on to the next big thing immediately.

13. You fulfill needs.
Many people recognize marketplace holes, but it is the true entrepreneur who takes them from cocktail napkin to reality, says Jennifer Dawn, partner in New York City-based Savor the Success, a business network for women. “Entrepreneurs think of a way to fix it and take steps to fix it. They are innovators.” So when Savor’s network of women began asking for advice and input from co-founder Angela Jia Kim, she and Dawn created a new product: Savor Circles. These mastermind groups connect four members who give each other tailored input and expertise; even better, they provide Savor the Success with a new revenue stream.

14. You surround yourself with advisors.
Actress Jessica Alba, co-founder and president of Santa Monica, Calif.-based The Honest Company, which sells baby, home and personal-care products, notes that “it’s important to surround yourself with people smarter than you and to listen to ideas that aren’t yours. I’m open to ideas that aren’t mine and people that know what I don’t, because I think success takes communication, collaboration and, sometimes, failure.”

“Success takes communication, collaboration and, sometimes, failure.”
–Jessica Alba, The Honest Company

In other words: True ‘treps don’t hire yes men; they talk to those with experience and conduct thorough research, gathering as much information as they can to make informed decisions rather than taking a shot in the dark.

15. You work and play hard.
“Entrepreneurs fall down and pick themselves up until they get it right,” says Micha Kaufman, who snowboards and sails in addition to running Fiverr, the fast-growth online freelance marketplace he co-founded.

Like in sports, the key to success in business is staying super-focused, the CEO notes. During Fiverr’s launch, instead of trying to deal with “an endless number of potential challenges,” Kaufman and his team focused on “the single biggest challenge every marketplace has: building liquidity.

Without liquidity, there is no marketplace. It’s like worrying about the skills needed for frontside-360 jumps before getting on a snowboard and learning the basics.”

How To Succeed at Working From Home

Work at Home Success!

When people think about working from home, many imagine sleeping in late, lounging around in their pajamas and long leisurely lunches. “But what people need to realize is that even though working from home offers a great amount of flexibility, it is still a professional job and it needs to be treated as such,” says Holly Reisem Hanna, the founder of The Work at Home Woman, an award-winning blog dedicated to helping women and moms fulfill their dreams of working from home or becoming self-employed.


“Individuals need to learn best work at home practices, like setting office hours, having a dedicated office space, avoiding home-bound distractions, and actually dressing as if you were going to an office,” she says. “This will help keep your mindset sharp and focused.”

I can vouch for that. I’m working from home today and it’s no easy feat. I woke up, got dressed, powered on my laptop, and got to work—but it’s sometimes difficult to stay focused with so many distractions and temptations around me. I only work from home under special circumstances—maybe five or six times a year—but some do it more frequently, and others work out of their homes permanently. It’s not for everyone, though, and some do it more successfully than others.

“I think it depends almost entirely on the individual,” says Jenny Foss, a recruiter, career coach and founder of the career blog “As someone who made the transition–first to working part-time in an office and part-time at home, and then to being at home full time, and now, back to a split schedule–I understand first-hand that working from home is much different than an office environment. Those who are going adjust well to it, and be happy with working from home, will be those who are self-disciplined with their time, don’t rely on face-to-face banter with co-workers throughout the day, and those who are independent when it comes to administrative issues that will invariably crop up throughout any given week.”


Jacquelyn Smith

Forbes Staff




Using WordPress


As a susie homemaker and as a successful work at home mom, I knew I would need a website to help build my business.  When I started Moms in Slippers eleven years ago, I used FreeWebs as my platform.  I got a lot of traffic driving to my site every day and MIS was thriving.  My Google Adsense was growing and I was doing really well, but then I discovered WordPress and everything changed for me.

After doing extensive research on other platforms I decided to give WordPress a try.  Oh my goodness, WordPress was beyond complicated with it’s themes and myriad of plugins.  I tried my best to figure out this impossible platform, but I just didn’t understand how it worked.  I couldn’t figure out how to configure the menu, the plugins or anything.  I was stumped and I’m an expert when it comes to things like this, but WordPress had me.  It was truly a daunting task trying to learn how to use this platform.

Back to Webs and Then Brave Net

Okay, here I go, back to Webs and then over to Brave Net.  My oh my I was all over the place trying to figure out what platform would be a good fit for me and MIS.  I tried and really liked Bravenet, but I wasn’t satisfied with the widths of their themes.  I like things a certain way and I just couldn’t see myself using Bravenet longterm even though it had some great features.  I then decided to go back to Webs, for the hundredth time and just keep MIS there, but that relationship fizzled once again.

Light Bulb Moment


I went back to WordPress and all of a sudden I had a lightbulb moment and I’ve been in love ever since.  The only problem that I’ve found with WordPress is that it was hard to drive traffic to my site until I did some more serious studying and found the key on how to get traffic to my WordPress blog/site.  My goodness, talk about challenging, but I have enjoyed everything I’ve learned about WordPress.  I’ll be producing my ebook soon on how to use WordPress to build your blog/website because I do believe that there is a need for it.

When I was trying my best to figure out WordPress I watched YouTube videos, but they were really no help.  In my upcoming course I will show you step-by-step and I mean step-by-step on how to setup your WordPress blog and how to use the plugins and everything that goes with running a successful WordPress site.  I want to give my audience step-by-step details because most tutorials fly through the lessons and they are not very clear or they go around the moon and back again.

Let Me Show You How I Did It

If you want to build your website using WordPress I can show you how step-by-step to ensure that you build your blog or site without wasting time because I know what it means to need help and can’t find exactly what you need in specific areas in building a website using WordPress.  You see that it really is easier than you might think.








Be Your Own Boss


When I joined Celebrating Home seven years ago, I was excited. I always wanted to be my own boss and was thrilled with the thought of working for myself in the comfort of my home.  I honestly believed and felt that the Celebrating Home opportunity was the perfect work from home business that would allow me to create my own schedule and truly design my business my way, which was around my family.  When I became a Designer with Celebrating Home, I immediately fell in love with their products.  Their candles smelled amazing and I was ready to launch my business sharing it with my family and all my friends.  They, too, loved the candles and I was on my way to enjoying great rewards that being my own boss would give me.

Fundraising with Celebrating Home

A Great Work at home Business Opportunity


When I opened the doors to my Celebrating Home business, my son was in the 7th grade. His school was having their annual fundraiser and I thought to myself, this is the perfect time to launch the fundraising aspect of my Celebrating Home business.  The moms on the fundraising committee at B.J’s school decided that they would give me a chance and use my candles for their fundraising campaign.  It was a success, though very small.  I made about $100, but I was so deeply grateful for that because it gave me and my Celebrating Home business the opportunity to get our names out there.  That was my first and last fundraiser only because I didn’t pursue that piece of my business because it wasn’t something that I enjoyed doing.  I love selling my candles, wall art, home decor and kitchenware and that’s what I do now every day along with my other home based businesses.

Fundraising May Be a Good Fit for You

As a stay a home mom looking for a great work at home opportunity, fundraising may be the answer and key to your work from home success.

If you’re in dire need of earning an income or you want to make a little or a lot of extra money to help support your family, then the Celebrating Home opportunity may be an excellent fit for you and your current lifestyle if you are a stay at home mom. Celebrating Home offers many incentives that are motivating and fulfilling.  Bonuses along with your commissions are a great way to earn even more money from your Celebrating Home business.  The opportunity is amazing and the rewards, again, endless.  If you have a child in private school, or maybe you have a child going to college this fall or perhaps you’re swimming in credit card debt, Celebrating Home can easily help you to achieve all of your work at home goals and make the kind of money you know you’re capable of making and truly deserve! 

Looking for a Wonderful Work from Home Opportunity to Support Your Family?

What About a Great Fundraising Opportunity to Support Your Organization?



With up to 50% of all sales benefiting an organization’s goal, Our fundraising program is community minded. With so many organizations in need of funding, we are thrilled to give back to local sports teams, schools, churches and other organizations with this program. Celebrating Home has made our products even more affordable to ensure more families may enjoy them.

Your friends and family will look forward to supporting your Celebrating Home fundraiser with the wide variety of products offered. We offer candles, fragrance warmers and gels, plaques, table signs, totes, gift wrap and cookie dough. Also new in Spring 2014, we have prebaked sweet treats such as cookies, cinnamon rolls, and braided bread!

Many organizations use our products for fundraising throughout the year. Sports teams, cheerleading squads, school classes, even privately owned businesses turn to Celebrating Home for fundraiser ideas. We have Designer fundraising consultants who love to make it EASY for you to raise MORE MONEY than you ever thought possible.

We make it easy for you from start to finish! With tiered services to ship to you in bulk, sorted by seller or even directly to your customers, you will be amazed at how little work your organization needs to do to get your items delivered.


No Place Like Working From Home!

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There Is No Place Like Home!

Work at Home for Yourself

Working from home is one of my greatest and must fulfilling accomplishments. I continue to strive towards building my businesses a little more each and every day and it’s just one of the things that I look forward to because not only are my businesses helping me to earn money, but more importantly what I do helps me to help others.

I love to write and I love to share my goals and dreams with my audience and followers. Being a business owner is not all about making money because anybody can make money online in the comfort of their own home, but not every body has the heart to help others.

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Helping You Live Your Work at Home Dreams!

I believe that it is essential to bless others on this awesome road to being a highly successful work at home mom/woman.   I love being like salt and light, making an impact on the lives of those who long to work at home. My goal has always been to be a blessing and sincere help to moms and women who seriously want to start their own highly successful and prosperous home based business.

Creating Wealth

I know and I have a deep understanding of what it means to have to work to earn money to take care of a family. When I worked as program coordinator at the local hospital near my home, I learned some priceless lessons; the main one being, I wanted to be my own boss and create my own wealth. Having some knowledge and background on how to make this happen, I began my amazing work-at-home journey back in 2002 after leaving corporate America. My typing skill was the one thing that I knew I could use to help me to embrace this newfound venture that I was about to embark on and I quickly realized that I had this great potential to take a typing business to whole new level of a secretarial business that I could grow beyond my imagination and I did just that. Even though I let Magic Fingers Secretarial Services go almost as quickly as it was birthed, I made a whole lot of money, but I was not being fulfilled. I also knew that I could do something even greater. I had a skillset, a gift of creativity and design along with my unique gifts of writing that I so desperately wanted to use to provide products and services that people needed and still need to this very day. I was right.


Here I am still working, but enjoying every sing thing I am doing simply because I am working wiser, smarter, happier and more content than ever.  More consistency. Better marketing. I took a whole new look at all the things I’ve been doing and I began doing them even better than ever. What do I mean by that? What I mean is that I am writing more and more every day. I am writing from my heart, always being a genuine and sincere soul, I love sharing all that lays on the table of my heart to bless others. This is so very important to my business. If I can’t help my followers to achieve perhaps just one goal every day, what good am I? Life and having a home based business, or being a business owner is not just about me making a boat load of money, but rather it’s all helping my audience and customers to find and get what they need for their lives and their businesses, to help them prosper and thrive in ways they never ever thought possible.

As an awesome and highly grateful entrepreneur, wonderful, caring and loving mom (as told by my four precious pearls), dedicated wife, faithful and loving daughter, caregiver, magnificent coach, counselor and woman of God, I am elated and super delighted to give and share information that I have been given to you. I hope you will accept and apply all that I will be passing along to you and if you have something you’d like to share with me, my heart is open and I accept.

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